International Journal of Nursing Studies Open Access Articles
The latest Open Access articles published in International Journal of Nursing Studies.
Self-reported competence in long term care provision for adult cancer survivors: A cross sectional survey of nursing and allied health care professionals
January 2016
S. Faithfull | Carol Samuel | Agnieszka Lemanska | Clare Warnock | Diana Greenfield
S. Faithfull | Carol Samuel | Agnieszka Lemanska | Clare Warnock | Diana Greenfield
Cancer survival is increasing as patients live longer with a cancer diagnosis. This success has implications for health service provision in that increasing numbers of adults who have received cancer...

Professional perspectives on service user and carer involvement in mental health care planning: A qualitative study
December 2015
Penny Bee | Helen Brooks | Claire Fraser | Karina Lovell
Penny Bee | Helen Brooks | Claire Fraser | Karina Lovell
Involving users/carers in mental health care-planning is central to international policy initiatives yet users frequently report feeling excluded from the care planning process. Rigorous explorations...

Nursing and midwifery practice for maintenance of vascular access device patency. A cross-sectional survey
November 2015
Samantha Keogh | Julie Flynn | Nicole Marsh | Niall Higgins | Karen Davies | Claire M. Rickard
Samantha Keogh | Julie Flynn | Nicole Marsh | Niall Higgins | Karen Davies | Claire M. Rickard
Up to 85% of hospital in-patients will require some form of vascular access device to deliver essential fluids, drug therapy, nutrition and blood products, or facilitate sampling. The failure rate of...

Reducing conflict and containment rates on acute psychiatric wards: The Safewards cluster randomised controlled trial
September 2015
Len Bowers | Karen James | Alan Quirk | Alan Simpson | Duncan Stewart | John Hodsoll
Len Bowers | Karen James | Alan Quirk | Alan Simpson | Duncan Stewart | John Hodsoll
Acute psychiatric wards manage patients whose actions may threaten safety (conflict). Staff act to avert or minimise harm (containment). The Safewards model enabled the identification of ten interventions...
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