sabato 30 novembre 2013

Evidence, la rivista GIMBE

La rivista

Evidence è una pubblicazione open access indipendente, realizzata dalla Fondazione GIMBE senza alcun finanziamento esterno (registrazione n. 7877 del 17/09/2008 presso il Tribunale di Bologna).
Lanciata nel dicembre 2008 come GIMBEnews, da maggio 2012 Evidence è la prima rivista metodologica open access in lingua italiana che accanto a editoriali e review metodologiche - già “pillole di GIMBEnews” - prevede numerose rubriche:
Best Practice: rubrica che sintetizza le migliori evidenze scientifiche su uno specifico argomento clinico.
Reporting guidelines: linee guida per il reporting della ricerca (CONSORT, STROBE, SQUIRE, etc.), di cui la Fondazione GIMBE ha già ricevuto l’autorizzazione alla traduzione ufficiale in lingua italiana.
Opinioni a confronto: dibattito editoriale tra due esperti su controversie cliniche, assistenziali, metodologiche, di politica sanitaria, etc.
Il punto di...: interviste a opinion leader della sanità italiana.
Pubblicazioni GIMBE: position statement, manifesti, progetti, etc.
Letti per voi: le recensioni di articoli metodologici pubblicati dalla letteratura internazionale si estendono alle migliori evidenze clinico-assistenziali.
Ricerca originale che tutti i professionisti e le organizzazioni sanitarie possono sottomettere ad Evidence per la pubblicazione. In particolare, Evidence considera per la pubblicazione studi primari e revisioni sistematiche inerenti le seguenti aree relativi alle cinque aree del know-how GIMBE: Evidence-based Practice, Clinical Governance, Management e Policy Making, Metodologia della Ricerca, Formazione e Sviluppo Professionale.


How Nurses Can Use the Teach Back Method to Increase Family Caregiver and Patient Comprehension

To celebrate National Family Caregivers Month, this November the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action is teaming up with Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE). NICHE is the leading, nurse-driven program designed to help hospitals improve the care of older adults. NICHE knows that family caregivers require support and guidance to help them understand and cope with their loved ones' hospitalization and transitions. NICHE also understands that nurses are uniquely positioned to help support family caregivers. In this series of posts, NICHE staff and others will share their perspectives on health care, caregiving, and the important role nurses play in supporting family caregivers. To learn more about NICHE, visit their website.
In this post, Frances M. Stokes, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC,FCC,CMNL, Director of Nursing, NICHE at Renown Health in Reno, Nevada discusses the teach-back method and how nurses can use it to support family caregivers and patients.

lunedì 11 novembre 2013

Pain Nursing Magazine - Vol. 2, Numero 3

Volume 2 - Numero 3

► Editoriale

Potenziare il Nursing per una sanità sempre più efficiente

Abstract | Full Text HTML

► Rassegna

Considerazioni infermieristiche sulla gestione del dolore episodico intenso o Breakthrough Pain

Abstract | Full Text HTML

► Rassegna

Il dolore pediatrico

Abstract | Full Text HTML

► Training and Education

Cateteri Centrali ad Inserzione Periferica (PICC): vecchio fascino, nuove tecniche, un dibattito sempre attuale

Abstract | Full Text HTML

► Formazione

Ecografia infermieristica: lo stato dell’arte

Abstract | Full Text HTML

► Caso clinico

Pseudo-infarto e dolore toracico: mimesi del carcinoma squamocellulare

Abstract | Full Text HTML

► Esperienze

Il low back pain: dalla fisiopatologia alla pratica clinica

Abstract | Full Text HTML

► Lettere

Dolore e piacere: pura antitesi?

Abstract | Full Text HTML

Dementia Caregivers' Lived Experience of Sleep

Dementia Caregivers' Lived Experience of Sleep

Clinical Nurse Specialist:
doi: 10.1097/NUR.0b013e3182a87287
Feature Article


Purpose: Poor sleep quality leads to sleep deficiency, an unmet public health problem that is especially acute in caregivers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the dementia caregiver’s lived experience of sleep. The specific objectives were to (1) explore causes for poor sleep as identified by the caregiver, (2) gain knowledge about how the caregiver manages the sleep experience, and (3) gain an understanding of how caregivers perceive health promotion suggestions to improve sleep quality.
Methods: This was a qualitative study using a phenomenological framework. In 3 focus groups, data were collected from 15 informal/family member caregivers of a person with dementia (PWD).
Results: Three themes were identified in caregivers’ descriptions of disruptions to their sleep quality: sleep quality fluctuating with the status of the PWD, a need for vigilance to safeguard the PWD at night, and worry about current and future events, which caused rumination. Caregivers did not receive formal help from healthcare providers but did participate in activities that promote good sleep. Caregivers identified barriers to health promotion activities, including lack of time, decreased energy, and additional costs for providing care for the PWD.
Conclusion: This research provides exemplars of caregivers’ thoughts, preferences, values, and beliefs regarding their sleep experience in the context of caregiving. The caregiver’s perspective should be taken into consideration when clinical nurse specialists provide evidence-based care. Clinical implications are provided.

Management of patients with Parkinson disease

Management of patients with Parkinson disease

Nurse Practitioner:
doi: 10.1097/01.NPR.0000434090.96229.5c


Patients with Parkinson disease have prolonged motor and nonmotor symptoms affecting their ability to perform activities of daily living. Providers are tasked not only to provide quality care to afflicted patients but also to offer assistance to their informal caregivers who play a critical supportive role along the illness trajectory.