Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing
Copyright © 2014 Sigma Theta Tau International

Edited By: Bernadette Melnyk
Impact Factor: 1.349
ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2012: 19/104 (Nursing (Social Science)); 23/106 (Nursing (Science))
Online ISSN: 1741-6787
Associated Title(s): Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Most Cited
Read the top cited articles published in 2012 free online:*
Systematic Review of Text-Messaging Interventions to Promote Healthy Behaviors in Pediatric and Adolescent Populations: Implications for Clinical Practice and Research
Militello, Lisa K.; Kelly, Stephanie A.; Melnyk, Bernadette Mazurek
Factors Influencing Advanced Practice Nurses' Ability to Promote Evidence-Based Practice among Frontline Nurses
Gerrish, Kate; Nolan, Mike; McDonnell, Ann; Tod, Angela; Kirshbaum, Marilyn; Guillaume, Louise
Telehomecare Communication and Self-Care in Chronic Conditions: Moving Toward a Shared Understanding
Shea, Kimberly; Chamoff, Breanna
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Videoconference-Based Tele-Education for Medical and Nursing Education
Chipps, Jennifer; Brysiewicz, Petra; Mars, Maurice
The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Depression: A Meta-Analysis 2000-2010
Feng, Chiueng-Yi; Chu, Hsin; Chen, Chiung-Hua; Chang, Yu-Shiun; Chen, Tsai-Hwei; Chou, Yuan-Hwa; Chang, Yue-Cune; Chou, Kuei-Ru
Capability Beliefs Regarding Evidence-Based Practice are Associated with Application of EBP and Research Use: Validation of a New Measure
Wallin, Lars; Bostrom, Anne-Marie; Gustavsson, J. Petter
Roadmap for a Participatory Research-Practice Partnership to Implement Evidence
Harrison, Margaret B.; Graham, Ian D.
The POPPY Study: Developing a Model of Family-Centred Care for Neonatal Units
Staniszewska, Sophie; Brett, Jo; Redshaw, Maggie; Hamilton, Karen; Newburn, Mary; Jones, Nicola; Taylor, Lesley
Who Gives a Tweet: Assessing Patients' Interest in the Use of Social Media for Health Care
Fisher, Jennifer; Clayton, Margaret
Barriers and Enablers to Implementation of a New Zealand-Wide Guideline for Assessment and Management of Cardiovascular Risk in Primary Health Care: A Template Analysis
McKillop, Ann; Crisp, Jackie; Walsh, Kenneth
Militello, Lisa K.; Kelly, Stephanie A.; Melnyk, Bernadette Mazurek
Factors Influencing Advanced Practice Nurses' Ability to Promote Evidence-Based Practice among Frontline Nurses
Gerrish, Kate; Nolan, Mike; McDonnell, Ann; Tod, Angela; Kirshbaum, Marilyn; Guillaume, Louise
Telehomecare Communication and Self-Care in Chronic Conditions: Moving Toward a Shared Understanding
Shea, Kimberly; Chamoff, Breanna
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Videoconference-Based Tele-Education for Medical and Nursing Education
Chipps, Jennifer; Brysiewicz, Petra; Mars, Maurice
The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Depression: A Meta-Analysis 2000-2010
Feng, Chiueng-Yi; Chu, Hsin; Chen, Chiung-Hua; Chang, Yu-Shiun; Chen, Tsai-Hwei; Chou, Yuan-Hwa; Chang, Yue-Cune; Chou, Kuei-Ru
Capability Beliefs Regarding Evidence-Based Practice are Associated with Application of EBP and Research Use: Validation of a New Measure
Wallin, Lars; Bostrom, Anne-Marie; Gustavsson, J. Petter
Roadmap for a Participatory Research-Practice Partnership to Implement Evidence
Harrison, Margaret B.; Graham, Ian D.
The POPPY Study: Developing a Model of Family-Centred Care for Neonatal Units
Staniszewska, Sophie; Brett, Jo; Redshaw, Maggie; Hamilton, Karen; Newburn, Mary; Jones, Nicola; Taylor, Lesley
Who Gives a Tweet: Assessing Patients' Interest in the Use of Social Media for Health Care
Fisher, Jennifer; Clayton, Margaret
Barriers and Enablers to Implementation of a New Zealand-Wide Guideline for Assessment and Management of Cardiovascular Risk in Primary Health Care: A Template Analysis
McKillop, Ann; Crisp, Jackie; Walsh, Kenneth
*Articles are free through 31 Jan 2014
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