Clinical Nursing Studies

Clinical Nursing Studies (PRINT ISSN 2324-7940, ONLINE ISSN 2324-7959) is a peer-reviewed and international nursing journal that focuses on the field of clinical nursing. Strong coverage of ambulatory care, community care, family care, home, hospital, practice, primary and secondary, public health, etc. is provided. CNS aims to enrich insight into clinical need and implications for nursing intervention and models of service delivery, enhance clinical practice by pinpointing potential clinical applications of the latest research, and encourage the debate on all spheres of nursing and midwifery practice.
To facilitate rapid publication and to minimize administrative costs, the journal accepts Online submission and Email submission. All manuscripts and any supplementary material can be submitted via the journal’s Online Submission and peer-review system or email to For online submission, please create a new account and then follow the instructions given on the screen.
CNS's Section:Original Article, Case Report, Reviews, Experience Exchange.
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2013 Q1: Articles Received: 28; Accepted: 11; Rejected: 14; Published: 10; Retracted: 2
2013 Q2: Articles Received: 22; Accepted: 9; Rejected: 17; Published: 10; Retracted: 2
Licensed Practical Nurses becoming Registered Nurses: Conflicts and responses that can help
This article describes findings from a qualitative research project designed to understand the professional socializationexperiences of Licensed Practical Nurses attending university to transition to the role of Registered Nurse. Findingsrevealed that this group of nursing students believed (Licensed Practical Nurse) LPN’s were not respected, that theirnursing knowledge as LPN’s was not acknowledged and that it was challenging for them to feel a sense of belonging withthe RN community. These insights have implications for practicing (Registered Nurse) RN’s as student nurse groups arenow including more Licensed Practical Nurses. Responding with reflection, communication and collegiality can offerimportant help to LPN to RN students.
Women’s perception of safety and utilization of herbal remedies during pregnancy in a local government area in Nigeria
This descriptive study examined the perception of safety and utilization of herbal remedies during pregnancy using a convenience sampling of 300 women. The women who participated in the study were selected at household level from rural communities in Ife-North local government area of Osun state in Nigeria. Data was collected with the aid of semi-structured questionnaire using interviewer-administered method after informed consent had been taken from each participant. The results show that the women had positive perception about the safety and efficacy of herbs over conventional drugs in pregnancy. Greater percentage of the participants studied had used herbs at one point or the other during pregnancy. Local concoction also referred to as “Agbo” was the most used herbs by the women. The need for laboratory exploration of these herbs was emphasized by this study because of the high usage by pregnant women without any empirical evidence on its safety and efficacy.
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